Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are you interested or are you committed to starting your business?

The answer to this question is what separates the mediocre, flaky business-owners from the stellar, passionate and successful ones.

A few disclaimers:

1 – When you decide to start your solo-biz, be sure to fill up your patience reservoir because it’s a process. Just like it takes 10-12 weeks to see the basil seed grow into its full form, it takes time to see the fruits of your business building labor. And just like all else – you get what you put into it.

2- Don’t quit your day job. YET. You don’t want to be freaking out and putting even more pressure on yourself to make money ASAP from your new business – it’s screws up your energy and only keeps your further from your goals. If you’re employed at the moment, stay where you are and feel gratitude for that steady paycheck and stability. Yes, you’ll have to go the extra mile, make (temporary) sacrifices and work even stronger for the interim, but it will be worth every sweat drop and tear.

3- No one said it would be breezy. Starting your solo-biz is work and an immense learning curve that will make you purge all your gunk both in your personal life as well as your professional. There’s no hiding – the changes and evolution are inevitable. Yes, it will get scary. Yes, you will cry and want to quit, run and hide… but guess what, you will emerge a stronger, wiser and more powerful.

Can you imagine how life will be once you’re running your own profitable business and living your passion?

So, ask yourself today – are you INTERESTED in starting your business or are you COMMITTED?

If you’re interested, you will do what you feel like doing, when you feel like doing it.

If you’re committed, you will do what must be done and whatever it takes to get there.

If you’re interested, you will treat your business like a hobby and will therefore get those results.

If you’re committed, you will take on any challenge full force and head on and the results will far surpass your wildest dreams.

The choice darlin’, is totally up to you.

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