Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I came across a note by life coach Rhonda Britten yesterday and it spoke right to me.(See below)
Often we let our minds wander and we allow ourselves to get paralyzed by fear. This fear takes on many faces: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of making a fool of oneself, fear of not being good enough as a business owner, fear of being judged, fear of being in the spotlight, fear of being criticized, fear of moving forward, fear of the unknown... the list goes on.

You've probably heard this before, but I know I need to remind myself of this every now and again:

FEAR = False Experiences Appearing Real.

Fear resides in a tiny area of the brain called the Amygdala... and its job is to alert us when we perceive fear to be present. When we experience fear, biochemical processes start up in our bodies, chemicals are secreted in our brains and then travel down to our blood stream and elsewhere... I am sharing this with you so you're aware that fear is nothing more than a chemical reaction, yet when it overtakes us, we believe that fear to be 100% true. Not so.

Just as I mentioned in my latest blog post,we've got to get in the habit of challenging, questioning and probing our fears... talk back to them. Only when we disect our fears do we find that more often than not, there's really no substance there... it's not the thing in question we fear, but the PROJECTED outcome that we dread. We're fearing what hasn't yet happened! What a waste of our precious life force energy. I challenge all of you saavy business owners to start probing your fears today - right now... and see what happens.

Another point I'd like to make is that fear can be your friend and ally... Whether it's starting a business, growing a business, expanding, or taking a leap of faith, your goal should be BIG enough to stretch you and change you. A worthy goal is one that seems daunting and scary... thus, when you begin to feel that nagging fear as you pursue your passions and desires remember that the very fact you have that fear means you're on target with your goal... yes, FEAR CAN BE GOOD! We just have to get very, very good at controlling those feelings and not letting them overpower us.

The next time you're giving in to fear, stop for a moment and answer yourself this:

1. What am I feeling?

2. What am I projecting into this situation?

3. What am I scaring myself about?

4. Is this fear founded? Am I missing some chunk of the puzzle?

5. What's the best outcome that can happen?

"Being willing to feel your feelings and face your fears are two of the risks you must be willing to take to gain confidence. In order to gain confidence you must be willing to feel every feeling and take actions regardless of those same feelings. But confidence doesn't come first. Risk does. Therefore, the only way you will build confidence is to do the thing you fear."

Rhonda Britten

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