Friday, September 25, 2009

Making peace with NOW.

Do you ever just wish you could hit the Fast Foreward button in your life? Are your thoughts leaning toward what's not currently working, what's missing or how much better things would be if this and that changed? It's normal to feel this way, although that mindset does rob us of many things - one of them being our energy. When we're focused on what's wrong or missing we expend a lot of our inner energy that could otherwise be used much more productively.

We are where we are and that's OKAY. Our present situation is a direct result of our PAST thoughts, feelings, and choices. In order to create something different we need to change our point of focus NOW. Here are some steps I've used in my own life and with my clients to start shifting that point of attraction to create different results:

1. Make peace with your NOW: How do you do that when your credit card debt is sucking you dry, when there's too much month at the end of the money, or when you're going through a rough patch? It starts by going within, and really scanning what you're grateful for. I suggest my clients focus on 3-5 things they're grateful for EACH morning - and really harness the powerful emotion of gratitude. Starting out each day with this small practice can change the course of your day, week, month - life! So, right NOW, name three things you're grateful for in your life... ready, set, go!

2. Crystallize that Clarity! Once you've changed your vibration, the next step is to get CLEAR about what you want to create... by knowing what we DON'T want, we get clear about what we DO want - so start putting your powerful intention to use! This is where working with a coach, whether it's me or another life coach, will come in handy. A coach will help you get the picture of your life desires clear and strong. Most people find this step difficult because their egoic mind starts chatting at this point: "What are you thinking?" "You can't do that!", "You're shooting too high, there's no way that can ever happen", "I'm not smart enough", "I don't have what it takes" - the bla-bla-bla's go on forever... but how are you ever going to move forward if you give in to this negative inner chatter? You've got to question those thoughts - put them to the test! This is also an area where a coach would be extremely useful - we all live inside our heads most of the time, and we need a powerful outer voice to help us see the total vision of our reality. So, get clear about what you want.

Here's one thing I have my clients do: Write a letter to yourself, dating it one year from now. In this letter, let your intuition and imagination flow - describe EVERY AREA of your life as you would want it - have fun with this! There's no doing it wrong :)

3. Excitement for whats coming: You are the creator of your reality! Whether you like it or not, whether you act as if you're not - there's no escaping it - outside circumstances and people do not create it for you. As a deliberate creator, your power lies in your positive expectation and excitement for what you want to achieve. It's like the rocket fuel that propels you to the top. Sit for a few minutes, close your eyes, breathe in deeeeply, and start to visualize your successes as if they're already here. Studies conducted on Olympic athletes show that our brains do not know how to distinguish between what's actually happening and what we visualize. Meaning - our visualizations have power to get our brains to help us achieve our goals! Did you know that? I could tell you lots more on the subject, but we'll save that for another blog post or coaching workshop.

Harness this power with your own mind - do this consistently, each day and the proof will be in the pudding! It's all about excitement - for this is one of the highest emotions vibrationally speaking :)

If you want to know more about my coaching services and how I can help you implement these plans to create powerful change and much, much more - contact me at: or call me at: 786.291.2945.

Love, Abundance & Glow to you!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Shadow Effect

This past weekend I attended a screening for Debbie Ford's new docudrama film - The Shadow Effect. Debbie Ford is a world renowned New York Times Best Selling Author, workshop leader and the founder of the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching. Her ability to tap into our nature as the complicated beings that we are is impressive to say the least. Here's a picture of my friend Joyce and I with Debbie:

The film is about embracing our dark shadows - we all have them... Every time we judge someone or something. Feelings of envy or jealousy. Every time we beat ourselves up for what we did, what we didn't do, what we haven't become, what we should have done... The shadow is our dark side - the side we try so hard to cover up with smiles and accomplishments. It's the side we expend soooo much of our energy on trying to hide it from the world and from ourselves.
I loved this film - it really hit home for me and created a shift that's helping me reach the next level in my personal and professional growth.

One of the most impacting points made was the fact that everything we hate and judge in others is a projection of ourselves... connected to a part of ourselves. We are all connected. We live in a dualistic universe... full of polarities... Ford prompts us to embrace that part of ourselves - because "what you resist - persists". For every negative quality we possess there's also the flip side, and we have access to both at all times. For every fear there is hope. Love/hate, patience/impatience...

Being aware of what triggers my own shadow has helped me turn those negative moments around before they snow ball effect and I lose my North. I'm learning to be kinder with myself - and love all parts of me. It's much easier said than done. For every four steps forward we take one or two back... and that's okay... the most important thing is to always keep growing, moving forward, improving ourselves. When we settle for less, when we get comfortable, when we allow ourselves to become paralyzed by fear a part of us is dying little by little. Make it a point today to be loving to yourself. Embrace the not so perfect qualities and think about ways in which they can serve you. What can they teach you? Could they help you grow?

Watch your thoughts - they become your words, watch your words for they become your actions - watch your actions for they become your destiny.

"If you're not growing - you're dying" - James Arthur Ray